Childsafe Standards
At Briagolong Primary School, we embrace the values of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Growth and Integrity. We aim to have students recognise their fullest potential through acquisition of knowledge, skills and values in an environment where they can learn and grow to enjoy a productive, rewarding and fulfilling life. In support of this:
Briagolong Primary School has developed the following Child Safety Standards. This policy is an overarching document that provides key elements of our approach to protecting children from abuse. It is designed to be communicated through our public website as well as through other mediums such as newsletters, our annual report and in induction and welcome packs for members, staff and volunteers.
Briagolong Primary SchoolPH: (03) 51455 260FAX: (03) 51 455 3692 Church Street,BRIAGOLONG, VIC,